We always try to present a complete media package for all escorts of our team. Therefore, we produce HD video clips for any companion from Fantasy agency. Our company pays all production costs. Of course, this excellent feature is an option. We do not impose, whether the companion is in Birmingham or another city, to make a video presentation.

What are the conditions to benefit from the free production of a video for you?

1. With some exceptions, you must be our colleague for at least a month. It is understandable that we can not pay expensive costs to make a video for a co-worker who recently arrived in our team; we can not take these risks because that companion can decide to move to another team or she would like to work as a model. These videos are made free of charge for all escorts who have a stable collaboration with our agency.

2. You should ask the production of this video, and you have to agree to be filmed, and raw video material (which will take about 5-10 minutes) to be used for producing a video that will be posted on the website, also on our platform for video streaming and other sites. The aim is to advertise your escort services in Birmingham and other areas in the UK and also to promote our agency. Copyright of the video will forever belong to our organisation with the right to use the video when we want. The agency does not have to pay you anything because you have accepted these conditions.

3. You must agree to participate in a video shooting session in Birmingham. A camera operator from a particular company or another professional person will shoot in various positions, performing various movements in different scenes (e.g., on a bed, sofa, in front of a wall, in the shower or another view, depending on the screenplay ). You will need to meet the requirements of production, for example, to be sexy and elegant dressed, with professional makeup and more. You need to have an appearance similar to that from the time you provide escort services. We will shoot two versions, one for a clip for the general public, and the special version for our premium customers. You decide if you want to protect your identity. In this case, we will not show your face. If you have tattoos that can cause your identification and you do not want them to be displayed in the film, please use the powder to hide them completely. But we will specify that you have hidden some tattoos because we want a fair and honest relationship with our customers.

Few agencies show videos of Birmingham escorts. We know only two such companies. So, being a rare feature that is used only by the elite companies, all these conditions are necessary to produce good videos for you and our prestigious agency. We do not accept compromises because we want quality and professionalism. A video of this type will help you in your career. For example, girls who display a video on our website have more jobs than models who only show photos. The chance to be chosen is higher if you have a video because the customer is 100% certainty that you are a real escort and images are authentic. For example, these videos will be displayed on the Video page and your profile.