If you have decided to travel to Birmingham, you need to get some information in advance. Fantasy Escorts Agency is more than happy to help and that’s why we will provide you with some useful information. You have different ways to travel to this metropolis in the West Midlands, starting from a city in another country. If you choose the fastest way to travel, you have flights to choose from. By airlines companies, you can take a direct flight or an indirect one with a stopover in a European city. You can also opt for a direct flight to London, from where you can later reach our city.

It is also possible to travel by train, with routes through various cities and European capitals. The road can be quite tiring, but this can be forgotten due to the beauty of the landscapes you will see during the trip. Maybe just the splendour of the escorts waiting for you in the destination city will equate the beauty of these landscapes. In case you are wondering if this option is more expensive or if you have to change trains several times, the answer is yes in both cases.

A great way to travel to Birmingham is through international buses. If you have nausea when travelling by bus, avoid this method. Of course, if you own a car, you can come to our metropolis driving your car. But do not forget that the traffic rules in the UK are different, compared to those in the US or the old European continent.

Once you arrive in Birmingham, you have many possibilities for travelling. For example, you can rent a car or you can use the buses of the local transport companies. National Express West Midlands is the main bus operator in the city. It has routes throughout the city, and a single trip will cost £ 1.80. It is recommended to buy a valid license for a full day, which you will pay £ 3.80. If you do not want to lose money on ticket machines, it is good to have the exact amount when you buy bus tickets, because the difference between the amount of money and the ticket price will not usually be refunded. We do not know if the bus is suitable to travel when you go to meet a hot escort, but if you consider this a good method, it is your choice.

Taxi companies are quite numerous in Birmingham, and the busiest place where you can always find a taxi is New Street Station. On Fridays and Sundays, it is usually a waste of time to look for a taxi, as this is a highly requested travel possibility. Most importantly, do not get in “ghost” taxis, make sure they are properly registered, and to make sure, you better call one of the companies to order one. It is advisable to proceed similarly when you go to meet female escorts.

Another mode of transport is the tram. There is only one tram line in Birmingham, from Snow Hill Station to Wolverhampton, passing through the Jewellery Quarter, West Bromwich, Wednesbury and Bilston. It has a travel schedule between 6:30 and 23:30 from Monday to Saturday, and Sunday from 8:00 to 23:00. Prices vary depending on the length of the trip, but usually, a trip costs around £ 2 and a one-day pass £ 4.50.

In Birmingham, there is also a train network. Routes and operating hours can be found at any tourist information office, library or station. For a single trip you have to pay £ 2 and for a one-day pass £ 5. If you risk travelling without a ticket, you may end up paying £ 20 fine. A good idea would be to rent a bicycle. Thus you practice sports and at the same time, you see the city in all its splendour. Of course, trams or bicycles are not recommended methods of travel when you go to meet an escort. If it is very difficult for you to travel inside the city, better book an outcall female companion, who will come to your hotel room.