Every time we have news on the site, we feel obliged to inform you. This time we are introducing a new lady. Her name is Candy because she is sweet and has a lovely smile. Also, this woman agreed to be filmed and so we have the opportunity to present you two videos, one for regular clients and one for premium customers ( this escort also offers some premium photos ).

As a brief explanation, if you do not know what premium client means, we’ll explain below ( or click here ). This is a unique feature for all customers, it is free for everyone and offers you several advantages, including access to individual videos, images and even discount voucher codes, as well as the possibility to subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter (that is if you want to receive email when new girls or content are added to this site of the Fantasy Escorts Birmingham agency).

Even though our main headquarters are in this city, the second largest in the UK, we offer services throughout the Midlands region and even in the surrounding areas. Therefore, no matter where you live, Candy is at your disposal any day of the week. She is eager to meet you and fulfil your purest or hottest fantasies. So, visit this girl’s profile, which you find in any gallery on this website. You will find all the information you are interested in; you will see videos and very recent pictures.

Also, if you want to book other girls, Fantasy Birmingham has selected for you dozens of women from foreign countries, but also ladies born in the UK. So no matter what you’re looking for, you’ll find something that suits your needs and preferences. We are ready to help you meet the woman of your dreams; it is enough to call one of the phone numbers displayed in the header of the website. We thank you!