

At the age of 28, Sofia carries the youthful exuberance of early adulthood with an added depth, much like the dusky twilight that cradles the day’s end. Her hair, as black as the raven’s wing, falls in soft waves, a contrast against the paleness of the city lights. Her eyes, also a deep and endless black, hold a quiet intensity, as though they have known the beauty of a thousand starry nights.

Her stature is that of grace, standing at 5ft 3, not towering, yet her presence is undeniably felt, the way the gentle strength of a river is always present, even when it flows quietly. Her natural poise speaks of a quiet confidence, a self-assurance that comes from an innate understanding of her own being.

Sofia moves in the world with an openness to its manifold paths. Her canvas, unmarked by tattoos, remains open, a testament to the infinite possibilities that life has yet to inscribe upon her.

The air around her occasionally carries the delicate scent of tobacco — a transient, earthy note that speaks more to a momentary indulgence than a defining habit. It hints at a person who knows her mind, who engages with the world on her own terms.

Her academic background, fortified by university education, belies a mind sharpened by study and reflection. Her knowledge is not simply a collection of facts but an evolving tapestry of understanding, woven with the threads of continuous learning and an appreciation for the art of conversation.

When the rhythm of Latino music fills the air, Sofia is in her element. The vibrant beats and passionate melodies resonate with a part of her soul that is expressive, alive, and responsive to the dance of life’s varied rhythms.

Her favourite movie, ‘Titanic’, suggests a romantic heart, attuned to stories of depth and grandeur. It’s perhaps the narrative of human experience against the backdrop of fate that captivates her — the way our own stories are both small and vast in the face of the world’s unfathomable script.

The effervescence of champagne is her preferred toast to life’s little triumphs, a bubbly symbol of celebration and the fleeting beauty of the present moment. Her choice of perfume, Bacarat Rouge, envelops her in an aura of mystery and warmth, a fragrance that lingers and leaves a whisper of enigma in her wake.

Sofia’s command of the English language is commendable, her words carrying the melody of her Bulgarian heritage, yet fluent and articulate, enabling her to engage in the rich tapestry of multicultural dialogue that defines the modern city.

Her Bulgarian nationality is but a single note in the symphony of her identity, which harmonises the traditional with the contemporary, the local with the global, in the city that she now navigates with the ease of a local and the wonder of a traveller.

In Sofia, we find a person who embodies the confluence of historical legacy and personal narrative, a reminder that every encounter is a chance to share a chapter in the story of who we are, beyond the boundaries of our roles and the expectations of the world. She represents an encounter with authenticity, with the genuine essence of companionship that transcends the transactional and touches the fabric of genuine human connection.




    Post Code:
    House number:
    Hotel / Room number:  




    Booking hours*:

    Additional info (optional):


    *Additional charges may apply depending on mileage. 

    Amazing ladyRating






    Cup size36F

    Bust TypeNatural

    Dress size12





    Education levelUniversity

    Favourite MusicLatino

    Favourite MovieTitanic

    Favourite DrinkChampagne

    Favourite PerfumeBacara Rouge

    English LevelVery good

    Nationality Bulgarian



    1 Hour Incall Birmingham£ 140

    1 Hour Outcall£ 150

    Extra Hour Incall/Outcall£ 130

    30 Minutes Extra Incall/Outcall£ 80

    Dinner Date ( 3 hours )£ 350

    5 Hours£ 580

    Overnight ( 10 hours )£ 1200

    Ask for more information via chat or phone call.


    0746 260 25 93
    0787 832 31 57
    0746 098 50 52


    5 4 votes
    5 4 votes
    5 4 votes
    5 4 votes
    5 4 votes
    5 4 votes
    5 4 votes
    5 4 votes
    Sexy dressed


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    Passion :
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    Well I booked Sexy Sofia for an outcall.After checking the profile & photos my mind was definitely made up &I was greeted by the hot,sexy & beautiful Sofia.As I stood looking at this amazing young lady,I melted & my heart skipped several beats.Sofia looked stunning in the most beautiful dress,shoes & jacket.Once inside we broke the ice with deep meaningful conversation.By this point I already agreed to extend & was glad I did Thankyou babe & I will be returning xx❤️🔥

    Passion :
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    Beauty :
    Overall :

    I had the pleasure of Sophia’s company last night initially booking one hour by when she made me so relaxed I booked a second hour so we did not need to rush anything as could just enjoy each other’s company. Lovely lady well spoken with a kind hart and a wonderful mind. Will love to see her again in the future.

    Passion :
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    Sexy dressed :
    Beauty :
    Overall :

    Great couple of hours with Sophia and a beautiful girl. Super personality and very chatty. Excellent English made it even more flirty and fun. Can’t wait to see her again x

    Passion :
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    Sexy dressed :
    Beauty :
    Overall :

    Wow!! What can I say about this amazing lady?!
    Lovely, well presented,amazing conversational skills…basically, the whole package for me!! She has a great sense of humour…..😁. We both got to relax together whilst chatting about interesting worldly subjects.
    Highly recommended!