In the vast and varied realm of escorting, professionals often encounter an array of requests. While many are typical, others can be downright eccentric. This article isn’t to poke fun, but rather to shed light on the diversity of human desires and the sometimes quirky nature of companionship sought by clients. So, here’s a peek into some of the more unusual things men have asked escorts:

1. Play Board Games: Forget intimacy; sometimes, a game of Monopoly or Scrabble is what the client desires. While it might seem odd, these games can be a nostalgic escape and offer a unique form of interaction.

2. Pet Role Play: From acting like cats to mimicking the innocent chirps of birds, some men have peculiar role-playing desires. Often rooted in deeper fantasies or memories, these requests might sound strange but can be therapeutic for some.

3. Act Out Scenes from Films: Ever fancied a moment from a classic movie and wished to relive it? Some clients do, asking escorts to recreate iconic scenes, complete with costumes and dialogues.

4. Ghost Hunting: Yes, you read it right. Some men like to hire escorts as companions for ghost hunting adventures, seeking solace in shared spooky experiences.

5. Fake a Break-Up: For reasons best known to them, some clients want to experience the drama and emotion of a breakup, seeking closure or catharsis from past traumas.

6. Attend Family Gatherings: It might be to fend off questions about their single status or just for the sake of companionship, but escorts sometimes find themselves at family dinners.

7. Listen to Their Jokes: Got a series of puns or jokes that no one appreciates? Some men hire escorts as a willing and non-judgmental audience to their comedic endeavours.

8. Teach Them to Dance: While dance instructors exist, some men prefer the discretion of an escort to help them master their two left feet before a big event.

9. Pillow Fort Adventures: Tapping into the innocence of childhood, some clients wish to build pillow forts, complete with fairy lights and bedtime stories.

10. Discuss Aliens and Conspiracy Theories: When you have wild theories but no one to share them with, who better than an escort? Engaging in passionate debates about the existence of extraterrestrial life can be oddly satisfying.

11. Catalogue Modelling: Escorts are sometimes asked to model a client’s stamp collection, coin collection, or even their collection of vintage ties. A passion shared can be a passion doubled!


The world of escorting isn’t just black and white. It’s a spectrum of desires, needs, and quirks. These unusual requests highlight the myriad ways in which humans seek connection, understanding, and escape. At its core, the profession is about fulfilling a spectrum of needs, be it emotional, physical, or even the purely whimsical.

It’s also worth noting that while some of these requests may sound amusing or bizarre, they underscore the essential role that escorts play in catering to the diverse emotional landscapes of their clients. In a world that often misunderstands the profession, these quirky anecdotes serve as a reminder that escorting, at its heart, is about human connection in all its varied forms.